My character in Animal Farm

There are many characters in the novel Animal Farm, but I identify most with Benjamin. Benjamin is the cynical, indifferent donkey who rarely talked among the other animals as it explains on page 4 He doesn’t necessarily play a main role in the novel, but he is still a very powerful character. At the beginning, during the unrest before the rebellion, Benjamin refuses to take part in the animals’ issues. He is like me in this way because I do not like to get involved in conflicts that don’t concern me personally. Like me, he would watch as the situation plays out. This leads to Benjamin lack of involvement during the rebellion. Another way Benjamin and I are also alike is in the way that Benjamin can foresee what will come from these conflicts, but knows he cannot affect the animals enough for it to make a difference. He has his premonitions of what is to come, but doesn’t chose to share them with the group of animals. In the end, the other animals will do what they wish according to their own thoughts and feelings. They will listen, and follow their leader no matter what Benjamin will say. Like him, I usually have intuitions of how situations will play out, but rarely share these with others due to the others’ right to make their own decisions. Finally, Benjamin and I are alike in not wanting to voice our opinions to our peers. He is very quiet, and rarely talks amongst his fellow animals, except for the occasional discussions with his friend Boxer. We both have our opinions, like everyone else, but we usually do not choose to share them. I prefer to let others handle these situations without sharing my thoughts because I do not have enough power to affect others choices. In these ways, Benjamin and I are most alike than any other characters in Animal Farm.
Hey there,
Like me you also relate to Benjamin. I agree with you for saying that you can foresee the out come of situations just like Benjamin. Also, you, like Benjamin, you chose to stay out of situations that don't concern you or somebody close to you. In the book Benjamin did start caring about was happening after his close friend Boxer got carted away. A difference I see between Benjamin, you and myself is that I choose to act when I don't like the way something will turn out. Both you and Benjamin choose to stay out of things while I like to get involved if I can predict that the plan wouldn't turn out for the best. In conclusion, I think you made a great point in explaining how you and Benjamin are similar.
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