Necessity is the Mother of Invention

What does the phrase, “Necessity is the mother of invention” mean? I think “Necessity is the mother of invention” means that inventions are created when someone really has the need for them. It is like when Samuel Morse’s mother had him carry messages on horseback. He needed to find an easier way to send messages to others. So, he invented the Morse code. From that we can see that he made the invention of Morse code because he needed to make sending messages easier and quicker. Inventions need a necessity to be created otherwise there’s no reason to make it. Samuel Slater had the idea of a factory that made everything all in one place. From that we can see that he was not just helping himself, but others as well. He helped save people time, energy, and money. Another invention I personally enjoy is the television. I think the reason for inventing the television was for entertainment purposes. This invention was also made to help others; to give them something to do. It was invented in a time where working was very important and people had very serious lives. The television helped them escape from their lives and have some fun watching a comedy. It was also a way of communication of what is going on in the world through the news. All of these inventions show that when someone needed or wanted something they came up with an invention to help them. That is what I think “Necessity is the mother of invention” means.
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