
Imperialism took place all over the world in a similar way. I noticed during our discussion that the stronger, developed countries like the United States or Brittan were the ones dominating others. The weaker, lesser developed like India or Persia were the ones being dominated. They were taken over mostly militarily and politically. Russia took over militarily by starting a war over the Black Sea. Brittan took over politically by signing an agreement with the Egyptians. These types of imperialism were taking place all over the world, not just in the Middle East.
The motivations for a country to take over another are Gold, Glory, and God. The motivation of Gold was the strongest. Everyone was after more money than the already had. The motivation of Glory was also very strong. Mostly people wanted power of strategic lands. This is like how Brittan took over India for their resources and they were in a good location. At this time, in these places, not many countries were dominating for religious purposes.
The outcomes of imperialism were some countries being stronger than others, and some being weaker than others. Some countries gained land, as others lost land. Imperialism happened this way all over the world.
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