Holy War

“Holy War” is definitely an oxymoron because the two words do not fit together properly. Holy relates to religion and means sacred. War on the other hand stands for conflicts on a large scale. These two obviously do not fit together because religion promotes peace and happiness, where as disagreements represent fighting. These two words are commonly used together, but should not be for this reason.
All of the major, world religions forbid killing, yet there are wars over religions across the World. It does not make sense that people fight and kill for their beliefs, which forbid these exact things. But still all over the world there are conflicts over religion. Take the Arabs and the Jews for instance. They have been feuding for centuries with each other over resources and religion. Yet, they continue to battle over the very idea which prohibits killing. Yet another example is the Muslims and the Hindus. They had to create separate countries for themselves to end wars over their disagreements. Another example of religious conflicts is the Catholics and the Protestants. They even stem from the same religion, but they could not get along. You would believe people would obey the religion they protect so violently, but obviously that does not occur. Over and over the world has seen “holy wars” that result in violence rather than peace, but why?
Image: http://www.inxart.com/images/mideast/inx_040302d_kozlowski.jpg
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