End Of Quarter 3 Feedack and Fourth Quarter Goals

The end of Quarter 3 has finally come to and end, which means it is time to evaluate my progress over the past quarter. My first goal was to fully complete/prepare my assignments for grading, especially for discussions. I believe i succeeded in achieving this goal. On all of my discussion preparations i received 95%, signifying that i was well prepared. My second goal was to study more thoroughly for tests and quizzes. I do not think i fully reached my goal. I have not done very well on my tests and quizzes this past quarter. I still got A's and B's, but I think i could have done better. I will keep working to achieve this goal. My third and final goal for this past quarter was to do better on any of the upcoming research assignments. Seeing as we didn't have many research projects, it makes it hard to evaluate myself in this area. However, we did have to research for the Population Project. We spent tree days of humanities in the library to work on the process paper. I did very well on the process paper, therefor I succeeded in reaching this goal. Overall, I believe I have achieved my goals for this past quarter, but I will continue to work on them in the upcoming quarter.
I have created all new goals for myself for this upcoming quarter. My first goal is to work on my technology skills. I am not very good at creating technology presentations such as power points. I did not do well on my Africa PowerPoint, so I could definitely improve. I also have a goal to continue using the researching skills we have learned in humanities. The Population Project is still underway, and we will be coming up on our research paper soon. I will try my best to get adequate information to complete this paper. Lastly, my goal is to enjoy what time i have left at AES. To complete this goal I will have to manage my time well, and get my assignments done and handed in on time. This will cause my last few months in Delhi to be enjoyable. I have high hopes for myself this quarter, but i believe i can achieve all of my goals.
Image: http://www.bisconsulting.ca/img/seminars/large/goal_setting.jpg
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